Friday, January 28, 2011

Marlynn Consulting's Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

OK guys, this week was a busy one.  First, I participated in my Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Tallahasse Chamber of Commerce on Monday - WOOWEE!! 

Monday afternoon found me at a Manufacturers Association of Florida meeting, where I learned about developments in the manufacturing industry as they prepared for “Manufacturers Day At The Capital”.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I spent my days at the DoubleTree Hotel in downtown Tallahassee, where the following meetings took place:

·         Rural and Urban Working Group
·         Competitiveness Working Group
·         Technology, Entrepreneurship & Capital Committee
·         Global Commerce & Investment Committee
·         Florida Life Sciences Council
·         Legislative Policy Committee
·         Board & Stakeholders Meetings

There was a great wealth of information provided at these meetings related to Florida’s economy, economic incentives, and Florida’s key industries.  The general consensus of the group was to determine how to keep the State’s competitiveness to bring in new and retain existing Florida jobs.

On Thursday, the Office of Small Business Advocate held a Small Business Issues Forum in Tallahassee to figure out what burning issues were affecting small businesses.  Business owners voiced concerns about the following topics:

·         Regulations affecting licensed businesses, but lack of penalties for competitors who are not licensed.
·         Difficulty in finding out information from one source, rather than having to look all over the internet.
·         Doing business with State government.
·         Contracting issues for minority-owned and other small businesses.

On Friday, I joined a List Building Challenge call with Emily Morgan ( Finally, on Saturday I will participate in a Toastmasters training workshop. Then, it is time for a little "Rest & Relaxation"

Need Money For Your Business?

Are you familiar with Economic Incentives?

Has your business participated in any tax incentives in the past?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with tax incentives, here is a simple explanation of what an economic development incentive is:

Economic incentives are simply tax breaks provided by the government to stimulate the local economy and encourage business growth.  Economic incentives are commonly available as tax refunds, tax credits, or grant reimbursements.  There are a number of Florida tax incentives, which include tax refunds like QTI (Qualified Tax Refund) and Brownfield Redevelopment; discretionary payment programs like Quick Action Closing Fund (QACF) and HIPI (High Impact Performance Incentives); tax credits like Enterprise Zone, Capital Investment and Commmunity Contribution Tax Credit (CCTCP); and training grants like Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) and Quick Response Training (QRT).

Other programs include, but are not limited to The Economic Gardening and Black Business Loan Programs.

Contact me by email if you wish to find out if you qualify for a tax break under economic incentives.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


If you are a participant of the State of Florida’s Qualified Target Industry Tax Incentive (QTI) program, you should have received your QTI Claim Application by now.  It is time to prove to the State that you have met your QTI compliance goals for 2010. 

Have you analyzed your payroll data to determine if you successfully achieved your QTI compliance goals?

Have you analyzed your tax data to determine if you qualify for a full refund?

TIP: If you haven’t started preparing your compliance reports don’t fret, you still have time.  The State gives you an opportunity to request a one-time 30-day extension, which gives you some additional time.  Please note – your request must be in writing.  This gives you until March 2nd to submit your claim application and supporting documents to the State’s agent responsible for verifying your claims.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all required documentation is submitted to support satisfaction of your compliance goals/commitments.  Proper documentation will result in timely review of your QTI claim package, which will ultimately result in timely payments.

For additional information on how to analyze your payroll data to determine whether you qualify for a tax refund; how to determine the amount of refund you will receive; or what type of documentation you are required to submit, contact me by email at

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Florida Economic Development Incentives (Part I)

In order to compete for high quality jobs, the Florida offers a number of economic incentive programs to suit your business’ individual need.   Many of these incentives are geared toward new companies, expanding companies, or those considering relocating.  Other types of incentives assist with employee training. Some companies receive incentive funds if they are located  in special areas.  For today’s post, I'm providing details of some incentive opportunities.  To avoid this post being too long, I will present these over a number of posts.  Stay tuned for a number of ways you can SHARE THE COST of growing your business.

Qualified Targeted Industry Tax Refund (QTI):   A tool available to encourage quality job growth in targeted high value-added industries.  Eligible companies must be in a target industry; create at least 10 net new full-time Florida jobs (if an expansion project, increase employment by at least 10 percent); and pay at least 115% of the state or county’s average annual wage.  Qualified companies may be eligible for a minimum tax refund of $30,000.  Additional funds are provided to companies whose location is in an enterprise zone, brownfield redevelopment area or designated rural area.

High Impact Performance Incentive Grant (HIPI): This incentive is a negotiated grant used to attract and grow major high impact facilities in Florida.  Eligible projects must operate within designated high-impact sectors (Life Sciences, Financial Services, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, or Semiconductors); create at least 100 new full-time equivalent Florida jobs (if a R&D facility, create at least 75 new full-time equivalent jobs) in a three-year period; and make a cumulative investment in the state of at least $100 million (if a R&D facility, make a cumulative investment of at least $75 million) in a three-year period.  Once awarded, the business may be awarded 50 percent of the eligible grant upon commencement of operations and the balance of the awarded grant once full employment and capital investment goals are met.

Brownfield Redevelopment Bonus Refund (BFR): This incentive is available to encourage redevelopment and job creation within designated brownfield areas.  To qualify, a company must locate within a brownfield area; be certified as QTI business as defined in Section 288.106, F.S., or be a business that can demonstrate a fixed capital investment of at least $2 million in mixed-use business activities, including multi-unit housing, commercial, retail, and industrial in brownfield areas, or at least $500,000 in brownfield areas that do not require site cleanup; create at least 10 new permanent Florida full-time jobs with benefits (including health insurance at a minimum), excluding construction and site remediation jobs; and show that the project will diversify and strengthen the economy of the area surrounding the site.  A company may receive a tax refund equal to 20 percent of the average annual wage of the new jobs created in a designated brownfield area up to a maximum of $2,500 per new job created.

Send me an email at to find out more about these incentive opportunities.