Friday, December 28, 2012

Will Governor Scott meet his goal of creating 700k jobs?

Here's an interesting article from the Sun Sentinel discussing whether Florida's Governor Scott has been successful in his quest to create 700,000 jobs in 7 years.,0,2093703.story

What are your thoughts?  Do you think the Governor is on target to meet this goal?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Florida Praised for its Handling of State Economic Incentives

In this article written for the Orlando Sentinel, The State of Florida received high marks for its controls over economic incentives, compared to other states. 

A report done by the Pew Center in DC reviewed incentives passed in 16 states since 2007 to determine if these states administered adequate controls over these programs.  Florida scored high marks because as other States steadily increased their incentive dollars, the state decided to cap its total incentives funding over a number of years.
To read the full article, click on the link

Based on the amount of scrutiny economic incentive programs have faced within the last five years, it is in the best interest of each state to ensure adequate controls are in place to prevent mis-use of incentive funding.  However, states should also be cautioned to not make the incentive process so bureaucratic that they miss out on opportunities to bring in businesses that would truly benefit their communities.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Grants Available for FL companies to Participate in Trade Exhibitions

If you have a business that produces a product you'd like to export to other countries, it may be a good idea to  participate in one of Enterprise Florida's trade events.  These trade events give you access to businesses in other countries who may need your product.

Attending these events may take some investment on your part.  However, there are grants available to assist you in this endeavor.  You can apply for a grant to help you defray some of the associated costs.  Here is a link to a flyer for more detailed information and a copy of the grant application.

Good luck on taking your export company to the next level!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

You Can Boost Your Business Through Training - Here's How

In this article, a Florida small businesss touts the benefits in providing training for his employees.  He also highlighted how he was able to recoup some of the total cost of training by participating in Florida's workforce training grants.  To read the full article, click on the following link:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Florida's Quick Response Training (QRT) To Be Increased to $12M

The Quick Response Training (QRT), a tool Florida uses to help businesses train their workforce may be getting a boost this year. 

During an economic downturn, many businesses wonder how they can afford to train their team.  However, with programs such as the workforce training grants, a business may have an opportunity to increase the skills of its employees at a reduced cost.  Grants like the QRT allows a business to subsidize 50 - 75% of its direct training costs for a year.  

To read the full article, click on the link:

This significant increase in program funding would help many business owners.  The catch though is, how do small businesses take advantage of these opportunities?

Friday, October 19, 2012

State may try to recover Digital Domain incentive money

I read an article written by a Palm Beach Post Staff Writer indicating that the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is considering clawbacks for incentives paid to Digitial Domain Media Group. According to the article, Digital Domain was paid a total of $20 million in four installments in 2009, 2010 and 2011 under the Quick Action Closing Fund incentive program.  Unfortunately, the company did not meet the overall requirements for the program and thus, was responsible for returning a portion, if not all of the funds to the State.  Here is a link to the full article

This situation with Digital Domain shouldn't scare businesses from participating in economic incentive programs.  However, I strongly urge businesses to make realistic estimates of what they'll be able to accomplish.  Many businesses overestimate their goals to qualify for a larger award amount.  This is definitely not a sound strategy when pursuing incentives. 

I would say though, that this situation should encourage businesses to hire a firm who fully understands the incentives process and requirements BEFORE they start pursuing these incentives.  If you are considering economic incentives, give us a call.  We have the experience you'll need to make the BEST decisions as it relates to your incentives.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Economic Incentive projects in Bay County

Two economic incentive projects are expected to be approved for the Bay County area. These projects will create a total of 291 jobs.  State incentives include a total of $873 in QTI dollars.  Click on the link below to see the full story.

Monday, August 20, 2012

FL Chamber Survey - Why Businesses relocate to Florida

I read this article today and thought it was interesting enough to share. I can't say that the survey results fully discussed why businesses move out of Florida, although it gave some insight as to why they relocated or stayed here. I think it would be good for the State to know why companies are leaving. This would give them an opportunity to tweak what is being done already to make it more attractive for businesses to say.  See full article here:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Don't Forget! You Need to Incorporate Your Nonprofit and Develp the Rules of Engagement

In the process of forming an organization, you will be required to file Articles of Incorporation with the appropriate State agency.  For example, if you live in Florida you will be required to submit your forms to the Department of State, Division of Corporations.  Articles of Incorporation provide your state with information about your business, such as its name, the names of the persons organizing the business and the purpose of the business.  Forming a corporation also limits the liability of the owner(s) and staff of the organization, as well as its board members.  The rules for incorporating your organization may be different depending on which state your business will operate in.  Be sure you know the rules before you “set up shop”.

I learned this the hard way.  Some years ago, I was a member of the Board of Directors of an organization that did not research, and ultimately did not file the required documents necessary to protect all parties involved.  Granted, some paperwork was filed, but it wasn’t enough to protect the organization.  As a result, although the organization was operating as a nonprofit, it legally did not have the rights of a nonprofit.  This later resulted in the organization being caught up in an IRS nightmare.  Fortunately, today that organization has settled all of its debt with the IRS, but, at what cost?

Another requirement for setting up your nonprofit organization is to develop its bylaws.  The bylaws stipulate how the organization will operate.  It is essentially an agreement between the nonprofit and its owners detailing the “rules” of running the organization.  As this is a binding contract, bylaws should be approved by the Board of Directors.  Bylaws are not a requirement for filing your 501(c)3, but it is in your best interest to have one prepared – before you start your business. 

Again, you must plan the whole process of starting your nonprofit.  Some documents are mandated by law, while others are required to ensure your organization’s success.  I suggest preparing a checklist of all the required items and a realistic timeline.  Check each item off as you go through the process.  Not only will you be motivated when you see how much work you’re getting done.  But, this process also helps you see the separate pieces of the puzzle as a whole – the BIG picture.

 So, step #4 when starting a nonprofit organization is to create and file the Articles of Incorporation and the bylaws.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Recruit Your Board of Directors

As I’ve mentioned before, there is a logical process that should be taken before embarking on the journey of becoming the owner of a nonprofit.  If done properly, you will be on the road to a successful nonprofit endeavor.

In an earlier post, I discussed the benefits of developing a realistic business plan, which will dictate the operational processes of your nonprofit business.  I also discussed the idea of knowing the purpose of your business – i.e. Who will be served, what will be served, and are these services beneficial to your community?

Form a Board of Directors

The next step in the process is to recruit qualified members of your community to assist in determining the needs of your organization.  Unfortunately, in my experience, many start-up organizations create their Board of Directors using people they can influence.  This is definitely not the way to go if your goal is to grow a successful nonprofit business. 

The key word here is “qualified”.  Since the Board of Directors’ main goal is to ensure that appropriate decisions are made on behalf of the organization, it is in your best interest to choose board members who bring a variety of qualifications and experiences.  For example, I believe that every organization should have an accountant, or someone who can interpret financial data on its board of directors.  This usually prevents surprises in the future.  I also suggest having a member of the board who has experience in whatever service is being offered by your organization.  This will provide more credibility to your organization.

Ultimately, it is your decision who you select to be a member of your organization’s Board of Directors.  However, forming your board of directors should require careful thought.  Recruit your board of directors based on what you want to accomplish.  Consider the skills and qualities that fit your organization’s needs.  Then, identify those individuals who meet those needs, and who support the vision of your organization.  As you can imagine, this is not an easy process.  However, if you put in the time and effort in the beginning, you will avoid conflicts in the future.

So, step #3 when starting a nonprofit organization is to recruit qualified Board Members.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I mentioned in an earlier post that the first step in starting a nonprofit is developing a plan.  It is interesting that some people believe they don’t have to create a realistic business plan for a nonprofit.  I’m not sure why this is the case, when a business is a business, whether it is for-profit or nonprofit – the rules of business startup apply to both.

Your Business Idea Must Serve a Suitable Purpose

Like other business types, you have to decide what the true purpose of your business will be.  Have you considered what type of services you will provide?  Do those services complement each other?  Does your service meet the needs of your community?  Yes, your idea for a business may be great, but you have to meet certain criteria to qualify as a nonprofit or charitable organization.

So, step #2 when starting a nonprofit organization is to determine your purpose.

Monday, August 13, 2012


It seems as if 1 out of 5 of my recent conversations has been with individuals who are considering starting a nonprofit organization. In the Tallahassee community there are a large number of people who are truly passionate about helping others.  This is definitely commendable!  These conversations have piqued my curiosity as I wonder how many people have done the research required to start and operate a successful nonprofit organization.  A nonprofit is like any other type of business in that certain steps must be taken before the business can be successful. 

You Must Have a Plan
I believe the first step in the process (developing the business plan) is the most time consuming, but it is probably the most important step.  Unfortunately, this is the step where most people take a shortcut.  I believe it was Harvey MacKay who said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.

You may ask, what’s so important about writing a business plan when I have all of my ideas in my head?  My answer: We usually have so many things on our minds, that it is difficult to keep track of everything. Plus, when you start writing your ideas on paper, you can begin to put the missing pieces together.  Think of your plan as a road map to a successful business.  If you do the research and you plan properly, your chance of succeeding will be greater.

So, step #1 when starting a nonprofit organization is to create a thorough business plan.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How To Get a Training Grant

In earlier posts, I advised that there are training grants to help you reduce the cost of the training component for your EMR conversion.  I shared the criteria to determine if you qualify to receive an Incumbent Worker (IWT)training grant.  I also provided information on costs that are eligible under the grant.

Now that you know the requirements of the IWT training grant, you're probably wondering what's the next step. So, let's talk about what you need to do to get started.

There are 2 major steps to consider:

1. Application Phase - This is the phase where you apply for the training grant. The state uses your application to determine if you qualify for an IWT grant award. The process of applying for the grant takes some time, but it is well worth the effort.

On your application, you will provide information related to your anticipated training, outcomes and the associated costs (both direct and indirect). You also will be required to provide documents to support that your company is financially stable and there are no outstanding taxes due to the state.

2. Payment Request Phase - This is the phase where you provide documents to support the eligible training and training costs. Since the grant is reimbursable, you will have to prove that the costs were paid prior to your payment request.

Likewise, you are required to provide evidence that your employees participated in the approved training(s). This process requires you to maintain good records of trainings and their associated costs and payments.

Do you want to know if you qualify for an IWT grant?  Give me a call at (850) 727-0293. I will provide you with a detailed checklist, which allows you to consider the criteria for approval. Then, we'll go to the next step.

Monday, July 16, 2012

How To Reduce Your EMR Training Costs by Up To 75%

In my last post, I told you about an opportunity to reduce the training component of your EMR conversion by up to 75%. The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) grant is a resource that can be used by qualifying Florida businesses to help defray some of the costs associated with employee training.

This is exciting news! If you have already researched the cost to convert to the electronic system, you understand that this conversion process is not inexpensive. You cannot install a new software system without training your team on the best way to use it. The IWT grant can make big a difference in the type of training your staff receives.
Who is Eligible to Apply?

Now I understand the BIG question in your mind is "Do I qualify?" If you answer "Yes" to the following questions, you are eligible to apply for an IWT grant:
  • Are you a for-profit business?
  • Have you operated in Florida for at least one year?
  • Do you have at least one FT employee (other than owners)?
  • Will the training be completed within 12 months?
  • Are you current on Florida taxes?
What is Eligible?
The IWT grant will allow you to reduce your direct training costs by up to 75% (or $50,000). So that you'll be clear on what is eligible, I have included the following list:
  • Training fee from an outside vendor
  • Cost of employee-trainer
  • Cost of training materials
I'd like to warn you that these grant funds will not be available for long. This fiscal year, the State received $5 million dollars to fund this program. Of course, with the recent budget cuts, the funding for the upcoming fiscal year has been reduced to $2 million. What that means to you is: the sooner you apply, the better.

Stay tuned for information on what steps you need to take next....

Monday, June 25, 2012

Is Your Team Ready for the EMR Transition?

As medical practitioners are preparing to transition from paper patient records to an electronic format, many are considering the cost of this conversion. Many organizations believe that finding the right system is the key to their success. And that is partially true. I agree that knowing which software to use is an integral part of this process. However, the other key component of the EMR mandate is ensuring that your team is ready for the transition. The people who will be responsible for inputting and utilizing the data from the system must be equipped with the skills needed to effectively function using the new system. Obviously, the appropriate training at different levels will be required to ensure a successful transition.
Based on my research, the costs associated with the EMR conversion vary by the size of the practice and the type of system chosen. In some cases, the cost of training, technical support, licensing, etc., are almost as high as the price of the software. As a result, this conversion may incorporate a significant outlay of capital. It is no surprise that physicians and medical facilities are searching for ways to make this conversion less costly.
How to Reduce Your Cost
If you are ready to begin your EMR conversion, but you are still struggling with the cost, consider Florida’s workforce grants. These grants may be used to reduce your cost for the EMR adoption and implementation. The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) grant assists Florida businesses with improving the job-related skills of their employees. Why does this matter to you? If you plan to implement the EMR format (whether you are required under the mandate or not), you can essentially reduce your training costs by 50 - 75% (up to a maximum of $50,000).
Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Grant at Work
I am working with a client that is currently in the process of their EMR conversion. They learned that the training cost was a significant part of their software purchase. Ultimately, they were looking at different avenues for reducing these costs. Because under the IWT grant, this type of training was considered to be a "skills upgrade" the client was awarded a grant in the amount of $43,750.
Now you may be thinking, "I hope my training costs are not that significant!" And, depending on the size of your team, it may not be. However, if you haven't begun researching your EMR software, now is probably a good time to start. A part of your research should include finding out what portion of the software cost will be allocated to training. It doesn't matter if your training cost is $50,000 or $8,000. Recouping a portion of that cost will be beneficial to you.
In my next post, I will provide more details about the IWT program requirements. Please feel free to ask questions.

Monday, May 28, 2012

MarLynn Consulting Awarded its 2nd 2012 Start-Up Business of the Year!

For the second time in a month, MarLynn Consulting Group has been awarded the 2012 Start-Up Business of the Year. Click on the link to read the full article.

Me (Margo Thomas) celebrating the "Happy Moment" with my husband, Byron after receiving the award for 2012 Start-Up Business of the Year from the Small Business Week Committee. This is the second award I've received this year and I am definitely grateful for the recognition.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Teleseminar: What You Wish You Knew About Your QTI Project

Last week I presented a FREE teleseminar to Florida businesses to help with their QTI incentive projects.  This FREE teleseminar was developed after hearing the concerns of businesses that there is no guidance for the QTI program after a project is awarded.  These businesses faced the challenge of not knowing enough to successfully track and report their QTI goals to the State.

In this 1-hour teleseminar, we covered the following:

- Four major reasons why businesses do not get their FULL scheduled payment.

-  General requirements of the QTI program. 

- Review of the 60+ page QTI agreement.  The agreement terms were broken down into simple day-to-day language that the "ordinary" person would understand. 

- Why it is important to track incentive goals each year to ensure that the company WILL meet the requirements to receive FULL payments each year.

The next teleseminar is scheduled for the month of August.  Stay tuned for more information on dates and times.

If you would like to find out more about this and other services offered by MarLynn Consulting, give us a call at (850) 727-0293.  We look forward to partnering with you on ALL of your incentive project needs.

Margo Thomas
MarLynn Consulting Group, LLC
2012 Start-Up Business of the Year

Margo Thomas, owner of MarLynn Consulting is an expert in economic incentive grants compliance management.  For nine years, she assisted the State of Florida in analyzing incentive data to determine if a business met the requirements to qualify for its scheduled payments.  Today, she helps businesses in incentive programs like Florida's QTI track and report their project goals to the State. She provides guidance and training to businesses participating in economic development incentives to ensure they receive ALL of the money awarded under their incentive project agreement.

Monday, May 14, 2012

MindTree Ltd. approved for $1.2 million incentive

MindTree Ltd., a software development company slated to open a Gainesville office in the midtown area and bring 400 jobs has been approved by the City and Alachua County for a QTI incentive worth $1.2 million. See the full story:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Marlynn Consulting Wins 2012 Start Up-Business of the Year

I am pleased to announce that we were selected as The Tallahassee Chamber's 2012 Start-Up Business of the Year. As you can imagine, this is an exciting moment for me. I am truly humbled and blessed by this experience.


Click on the link to read the full article and see videos.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Potential New Jobs for City of Ocala/Marion County

An international company is looking at the City of Ocala to set up its Call Center. If approved, the City would gain 300 new jobs. Click on the link to read the full story.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Hires New Chief

Former Miami banking executive is now the new Chief at the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). He is charged with establishing and promoting the State of Florida as the top business climate in the south. Click on the link to read the full afrticle

Friday, April 13, 2012

Marlynn Consulting Group - Finalist for The Chamber Awards Start Up Business of the Year Award

Chamber Awards Finalists Announced
During its Thursday night reception, hosted by Capital City Bank, the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce announced the following finalists for the 2012 Chamber Awards.

Awards Finalists:

Health & Wellness Business of the Year Award
North Florida Women's Care
Premier Health & Fitness Center
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic

Manufacturing Business of the Year Award
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors, Inc.
Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.
TeligentEMS, LLC

Non Profit/Association of the Year Award Sponsored By: Thomas Howell Ferguson, PA
2-1-1- Big Bend, Inc.
Big Bend Hospice
Goodwill Industries of the Big Bend, Inc.

Service Industry Business of the Year Award
Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.
Redwire, LLC
Rogers, Gunter, Vaughn Insurance, Inc.

Start Up Business of the Year Award
Kind Intelligence
Marlynn Consulting Group, LLC
Tallahassee Grapevine Marketing, LLC

Technology Business of the Year Award
Electronet Broadband Communications
Taproot Creative
Technology Service Group

Chamber Awards Luncheon
Support your clients, local business and Chamber members by attending The Chamber Awards, on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, from 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the University Center Club. Individual tickets are $45 or tables can be purchased for $500. REGISTER HERE

Presented By:

Friday, April 6, 2012

Darden gets approval for its first QTI payment

Congratulations Darden!!

Thanks to the Economic Recovery Extension (ERE), Darden was able to extend its QTI job requirements until the economy picked up.  As a result of the extension, Darden's QTI project agreement was not terminated.  The State allowed them to extend the job creation portion of the agreement by two years.  Today, Darden's 2011 QTI claim hass been approved for a $210,187 QTI refund payment.  Had the State not granted the ERE, Darden may not have had the incentive to begin hiring again.  With Florida's unemployment still at a high rate, it is awesome news when an existing Florida business is given an opportunity to reduce some of its costs.  If you think of it, this payment should encourage Darden to begin hiring its next phase of employees.

Click on the link below to see the full article in the Orlando Sentinel.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Get Up to $50,000 While Improving Your Staff's Work skills

I recently read an article entitled, "Economic experts recommend nurturing homegrown businesses" ( written by Jeff Burlow, highlighting the Economic Development Forum in Tallahassee.

The Tallahassee Economic Development Council (EC) hosted a panel of experts Marty Reid, Thomas Henry and Dean Barber who discussed a number of issues related to economic development. A major topic was ways to focus on and meet the needs of local businsses already operating in the Tallahassee community. One suggestion for retaining and growing existing local businesses was training. Beth Kirkland of the (EDC) indicated that the major takeaway from the meeting was the importance of a skilled workforce. Jim Murdaugh of Tallahassee Community College (TCC) highlighted that there are jobs available and people who need those jobs, but he admitted that there is somehow a huge gap between the two. This gap, he believes exists because of the need to provide appropriate skills to Florida's workforce.

With that said, it should also be noted that Florida's businesses have numerous opportunties to improve their employees' work skills. Through the Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) grant, a for-profit business may recoup up to 75% of its training costs within a 12 month period. For example, an IT company that provides continuing education for its employees may qualify for an IWT award up to $50,000. This is GREAT news for businesses who need to train their employees.

Other benefits of participating in skills upgrade training are:
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced employee turnovers
  • Increase revenues
I understand that many companies are not taking advantage of these training grants, because they are unaware that these grants exist. If you have a client or know of a colleague who actively trains its employees, please pass along this information. You could potentially save them 50 -75 percent of their training costs.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ringling Bros. Circus Will Remain in Manatee County

Feld Entertainment announced that it is moving its production headquarters from the City of Palmetto to the City of Ellenton.  According to the article in the Herald Tribune (, the company is relocating to accommodate growth. With this move, Feld Entertainment will be able to retain 148 current jobs and create an additional 235 new jobs in Manatee County.  

Feld Entertainment will get some assistance from economic incentives like the QTI and Quick Action Closing Fund programs.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Skilled manufacturing jobs emerge in South Florida

I recently read an article written

Companies like these can benefit greatly from Florida's Workforce Training Grants.  These grants help defray the cost of training their workforce to increase their efficiency, competitiveness and ultimately their profitability.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

QTI Compliance Reporting Process

Over the years, businesses have inquired about the economic incentive compliance process.  In this blog post, I wanted to provide you with a list of important dates and timelines associated with the Claims or Payment Process of Florida's economic incentive programs, like QTI.

Important Dates/Timelines

QTI Claim Process

October / November
Business Receives Claim Application from the State’s Agent - It is usually at this time that businesses are alerted about their incentive project.
December 31st
QTI Jobs and Wage Implementation date - Business has to meet its project goals by this date.
January 31st
Claim Application due - Businesses are required to submit their claim application to Sharpton, Brunson & Company (agent for Department of Economic Opportunity) for review and approval of the scheduled payment.

This is the most crucial part of the economic incentive compliance process.  In order to receive the scheduled payment, a business must prove to the State that the obligations set forth in its incentive agreement have been met.  The claim application must be supported by accurate data and reported in a format acceptable by the State.

Business have an opportunity to request a one-time 30 day extension.
March 1st 
QTI Claim Application due – if an extension was granted, a business has until this date to submit its claim application and ALL supporting documents to the State's agent for processing.
January - June
Sharpton, Brunson & Company (SBC) verifies that the compliance goals have been achieved.  Once SBC verifies that the business is eligible to receive its scheduled payment, a recommendation is prepared and submitted to the State for approval/denial of the payment.
July 1st
July 1st marks the beginning of the State's 2012/2013 fiscal year.  Funds for economic incentive programs, like Brownfield and QTI are appropriated by the State to begin processing payments. 

Once The Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) receives the local match payments from local governments, they begin the payment approval process.  When a business' claim application and supporting documents are approved, the business is notified of either an approval or denial of its scheduled payment.  The payment is made within 21 business days if there are no disputes.

Remember that this process is similar for most claim-based economic development incentive programs as well.  So, if you are a participant of a Quick Action Closing Fund Program or the Brownfield Redevelopment and Qualified Defense and Space Contractor Tax Refund Programs, you will follow this process.

In order for your claim process to be as efficient as possible, you must be proactive with your project.  Do not wait until the payment request is due to begin analyzing your project goals.  To find out how we can help you maximize your payment, give me a call (850-727-0293) or email me at

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Governor Rick Scott's Attempt at Job Creation is Graded

An article in the Orlando Sentinel titled, "Gov. Rick Scott's jobs agency gives itself good grades" (see full article -, Enterprise Florida evaluates the number of jobs created by businesses participating in economic incentive programs, like QTI, Closing Fund and Brownfield Redevelopment.  Florida's job creation agency noted that active participants in the QTI program during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, created 10 percent more jobs than their contracts required.

Likewise, The state's Department of Economic Opportunity also confirmed that 93 businesses with completed QTI agreements created 56 percent more jobs than they were obligated to create.

Now you may be curious as to what these numbers mean to Florida taxpayers?  These numbers mean that for the most part, many businesses who pursue the State of Florida for relocation or expansion opportunities have met the requirements of their economic incentive agreements.  Unfortunately, other businesses were unable to meet their job commitments due to the downturn of the economy. 

It is the hope of all Economic Development Professionals that 2012 brings a significant upswing in the economy to allow these businesses to recover.  This would give Florida business owners more confidence, and would encourage their ability to grow their workforce - thus creating quality Florida jobs.